Monday, May 28, 2007

Proven Abs Exercise

Have you been doing 200-500 sit up a day but it don;t seem to show any result?

I can tell that only doing a single abs exercise will not build up your abs muscles effectively. why is that so? it is because constant doing the same exercise will only allow your abdominal muscles to get use to the exercise.

To overcome this problem try doing 3 different abs exercise.Look below for the program

1) Abs Roller

Abs roller Has always been my favourite exercise equipment.Start off the exercise by knees slightly bent and directly forward, knees slightly bent and to the right(working the left obliques), and knees slightly bent and to the left (working the right obliques).The 3 motion counted as 1 rep, thus do it for 10rep.

2) Crunches

Crunches has always been the most effective exercise in building the upper abdominal muscles. Start off lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor in front of you. Lie on an exercise mat rather than a hard floor to prevent back strain. Place your hands behind your head so that your thumbs are tucked behind your ears. Curl up and forward so that your head, neck and shoulder blades lift off the floor. Make sure you're not pulling your head forward with your hands. If your chin is making contact with your chest, the abdominal muscles aren't being used in the exercise. Pause for a moment. Lift your head up enough so that your middle and lower back stay on the floor. Squeeze your abdominals as you pause, than slowly return back to starting position. Do this for 25 rep.


Lift your body of the ground on your elbows and toes. Contract your abdominals and relax your shoulders. Remember to breath. Hold it there of about 1 min.

Do this 3 abs exercise counted as 1 set. do it for 3 set, in between each sets rest 1 min.

Be sure to get a beautiful abs in no time.


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