Friday, May 25, 2007

10 Quick Tips To Help You With Strength Training

Why should you consider a regular program of strength training? What do you have to gain by it? Is there any compelling reason to commit yourself to strength training for 20-60 minutes, 2-3 days per week? Of course that is many good reason to include strength training in your lifestyle.

What is strength training?

Strength training is the involving of series of resistance movement to improve the capabilities of muscles. Different muscles in the body have different function that act in a specific way on the skeleton. For example,the function of biceps is to bend the elbow and the function of triceps is to straighten the elbow. In order to make this muscles stronger you can try the 2 most common method of strength training which is...

1) Weight Training

Weight training is a repetition of lifting weight in a controlled manner. A set consists of many repetitions which perform one after the other without rest.

2) Resistance training

Resistance training is the use of elastic or hydraulic resistance to contraction. Elastic resistance provide more resistance at the end of the motion when the elastic is stretch to the maximum elongation. As for hydraulic resistance it provide an amount of resistance throughout the range of motion which dependent on the speed.

Benefit of strength training

* Increased muscular strength
* Increased strength of tendons and ligaments
* Potentially improves flexibility (range of motion of joints)
* Reduced body fat and increased lean body mass (muscle mass)
* Potentially decreases resting systolic and diastolic blood pressure
* Positive changes in blood cholesterol
* Improved glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity
* Improved strength, balance, and functional ability in older adults

10 quick tips to help you get started with your strength training

1)Warm up your body to allow delivery of rich blood to the muscles which you going to exercise,it also help to lubricate your joints and prevents injuries.

2)Stretch to increase your muscles flexibility

3)The first week of your program, Start with light weight. This is to allow you to get the right posture before increasing the weights. If you start with heavy weight but with the wrong posture it will cause injuries to your muscles.

4)tips body posture: go through the complete range of motion, move slowly and with control, breathe, and maintain a neutral spine. Never sacrifice form just to add more weight or repetitions.

5)The intensity of workouts depends on firstly, number of repetition Secondly, overall weight lifted Lastly, the break in between. You can vary the intensity of the workout just to fit you to reach your goals.

6)It is important to listen to your body by sensing the overall feeling of exertion.

7)The minimum amount of strength training recommended by the American College of Sports Medicine is 8 to 12 repetitions of 8 to 10 exercises, at a moderate intensity, two days a week. You will get more overall gains with more days per week, sets and resistance, but the progression is one in which you must listen to your body.

8)Strength training session to last an hour or less.

9)Rest each muscles your train of at least 1 or 2 days

10) Do not follow the phrase "No Pain No Gain" this phrase is not only false but also dangerous. Over train of muscles will lead to muscles become weaken instead of strengthen.

Do follow the tips and start building your strength and tone body now.


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