Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Essential Of Excercise

Is exercising your everyday routine?

Here a video of a training by a famous strength coach in US

You've probably heard countless times how exercise is "GOOD FOR YOU" but did you know that it can actually help you feel good, too? Getting the right amount of exercise can rev up your energy levels and even help you to feel better emotionally.

Experts always recommend that people should exercise each day for 60min ranging from moderate to vigorous physical activity. A well-balances exercise routine consist of 1)aerobic exercise, 2)strength training, 3)flexibility training.

Benefits Of Exercising

Basically, exercise benefits every parts of you body including your mind.When exercising your body produces a chemical called endorphins that will cause a person to feel happy and peaceful.Exercise can give people feel sense of achievement and pride at having to reach a certain GOAL, example like beating someone in a 400 meter sprint who is and expert in it. Constant exercising will allow a person to sleep much better and even help to eliminate health issue such as mild depression.

People who exercise regularly usually look much more better and rejuvenate than those who don;t. Why is that so?,it is because of exercising will help oneself to burn calories and looking more toned.In fact,scientific proven that if a person eats more calories than he/she burn, the body will automatically stores them away as fat.Therefore, to overcome this problem is to back to square one "EXERCISE".

Exercising not only helps to burn off calories but it also help to reduce a person's risk of developing diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity,insomnia and heart disease.

Finally, for the ladies. Do you know that exercising benefit you the most? Women are more prone to a condition called osteoporosis which is the weakening of bone as you get older. To prevent this condition, running/brisk walking is recommended to strengthen your bones.

If you haven start exercising PLEASE take action now!!! Do tune in for the next posts which i going to talk about the well balanced routine of 1)anaerobic exercise 2)strength exercise 3)flexibility training.


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