Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Goal setting for weight loss

If you were going to travel to the other side of the world, you’d need to plan it. I mean, you’re not going to just book a seat on a plane, take off and just take it all as it comes. You need to plan your finances, organize time off from work, get a visa, book accommodation, the list goes on.

Well, the same detail needs to be applied when you’re trying to change your life.

The best way to do this is to set goals.

Goal-setting is used by all successful people. It gives them a plan of attack. It keeps them focused on the small things that must be done to achieve big dreams. It tells them precisely what they must do each day in order to succeed.

I bet when you’ve tried to rid yourself of excess fat in the past you’ve just said “I’m going to lose 10kg’s…..I’m going to exercise….and I’m not going to eat fat”, and that is your plan.

This is why many people fail. They forget the details.

To get the details, you must answer these questions:

We’ll start with the first statement: “I’m going to lose 10kg”. In what time frame? If you don’t have much time then that will affect how much exercise you have to do. It will also affect how strict your diet must be.

Q1. How much body fat do you need to lose?
Q2. What is the time frame? (a realistic level is 0.5-1kg per week)

Next, is the exercise. What type of exercise are you going to do? When are you going to do it? You can’t achieve long-term success if you don’t plan your exercise.

Q3. What type of exercise are you going to do?
Q4. What days will you do it?
Q5. What time will you do it?
Q6. Who will you do it with?
Q7. Do you need to buy any equipment?

Finally, your eating plan. You need to plan every single meal and snack. I know it’s takes time but you can’t succeed without it. Remember, you not only have to avoid foods high in fat, but also foods high in sugar.

Q8. What will you have for breakfast each morning?
Q9. What will you have for lunch? Do you need to prepare it the night before?
Q10. What will you have for dinner?
Q11. Do you snack? What will you snack on?

Each of these questions need to be answered if you wish to succeed. Sit down right now and do your list. Then you will have your detailed plan for successful fat loss!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I am chosen as Expert Author in Ezine articles

I have posted 2 articles on Ezine articles few days ago. They rated me as Expert Author.

As Featured On Ezine Articles

Victor Chng

First article:The Truth About Starvation Diet


Have you ever tried starving yourself to loss weight but the plan just fired you back with you increasing weight while you on the weighting machine? Are you disappointed? now is your chance to find out what had happen to your plan. Well let me share with you why starvation diet is not a good plan and what you should do to prevent such thing happening.

Second article: The secret of exercising


Is exercising your everyday routines? Do you know what exercise can do to you? What are the benefits that it can give you? Well let me share with you the secret to exercising.

Check out this 2 articles by clicking on the expert author. Enjoy


Monday, May 28, 2007

Proven Abs Exercise

Have you been doing 200-500 sit up a day but it don;t seem to show any result?

I can tell that only doing a single abs exercise will not build up your abs muscles effectively. why is that so? it is because constant doing the same exercise will only allow your abdominal muscles to get use to the exercise.

To overcome this problem try doing 3 different abs exercise.Look below for the program

1) Abs Roller

Abs roller Has always been my favourite exercise equipment.Start off the exercise by knees slightly bent and directly forward, knees slightly bent and to the right(working the left obliques), and knees slightly bent and to the left (working the right obliques).The 3 motion counted as 1 rep, thus do it for 10rep.

2) Crunches

Crunches has always been the most effective exercise in building the upper abdominal muscles. Start off lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor in front of you. Lie on an exercise mat rather than a hard floor to prevent back strain. Place your hands behind your head so that your thumbs are tucked behind your ears. Curl up and forward so that your head, neck and shoulder blades lift off the floor. Make sure you're not pulling your head forward with your hands. If your chin is making contact with your chest, the abdominal muscles aren't being used in the exercise. Pause for a moment. Lift your head up enough so that your middle and lower back stay on the floor. Squeeze your abdominals as you pause, than slowly return back to starting position. Do this for 25 rep.


Lift your body of the ground on your elbows and toes. Contract your abdominals and relax your shoulders. Remember to breath. Hold it there of about 1 min.

Do this 3 abs exercise counted as 1 set. do it for 3 set, in between each sets rest 1 min.

Be sure to get a beautiful abs in no time.


Sunday, May 27, 2007

Tips On Flexibility Training

Hi guys, doing flexibility training in any sports are important.Even i do stretch before any sports or activities in order to prevent strains and sprains.To improve oneself performance in any sports flexibility training is your free and lifetime formula. Like aerobic exercise and strength exercise, flexibility provides anti-aging benefits.

Flexibility training can be done anywhere and anytime. For example,

1)you can stretch in the morning when you having a stroll in the park.

2)After sitting or standing for a long period.

3)Anytime you feel tense or stiff

4)Stretch when you are watching TV,talking on the phone or reading.

As you gets older, your muscles tighten and range of motion in a joint can be minimized. This can affect your active lifestyle in life or normal motion. A regular stretching program can help you in..

1)To preserve range of motion

2)Maintain flexible

3)Prevent injury during workout

4)Promote blood circulation

5)Relax your mind

Flexibility Program

Stretch at least 3 times a week to maintain a flexible body. You should stretch until you feel a mild discomfort and hold in there for 10-30 seconds before letting go. Repeat the stretch for 3-5 times.

Advice upon stretching: 1) Stretch slowing and smoothly
3) Maintain normal breathing when stretching
4) Focus attention on muscle being stretched
5) Feel the stretch, but don’t strain by stretching too far

Types of Stretching Exercise:

1)Spinal Twist
2)Hamstring Stretch
3)Calf Stretch
4)Chest Stretch
5)Shoulder Stretch
6)Quadriceps Stretch
7)Forearm Stretch
8)Triceps Stretch
9)Inner Thigh Stretch
10)"Cat" (Back) Stretch

Now with all the tips i haven given you, you can start your flexibility training by this week. :)

Friday, May 25, 2007

10 Quick Tips To Help You With Strength Training

Why should you consider a regular program of strength training? What do you have to gain by it? Is there any compelling reason to commit yourself to strength training for 20-60 minutes, 2-3 days per week? Of course that is many good reason to include strength training in your lifestyle.

What is strength training?

Strength training is the involving of series of resistance movement to improve the capabilities of muscles. Different muscles in the body have different function that act in a specific way on the skeleton. For example,the function of biceps is to bend the elbow and the function of triceps is to straighten the elbow. In order to make this muscles stronger you can try the 2 most common method of strength training which is...

1) Weight Training

Weight training is a repetition of lifting weight in a controlled manner. A set consists of many repetitions which perform one after the other without rest.

2) Resistance training

Resistance training is the use of elastic or hydraulic resistance to contraction. Elastic resistance provide more resistance at the end of the motion when the elastic is stretch to the maximum elongation. As for hydraulic resistance it provide an amount of resistance throughout the range of motion which dependent on the speed.

Benefit of strength training

* Increased muscular strength
* Increased strength of tendons and ligaments
* Potentially improves flexibility (range of motion of joints)
* Reduced body fat and increased lean body mass (muscle mass)
* Potentially decreases resting systolic and diastolic blood pressure
* Positive changes in blood cholesterol
* Improved glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity
* Improved strength, balance, and functional ability in older adults

10 quick tips to help you get started with your strength training

1)Warm up your body to allow delivery of rich blood to the muscles which you going to exercise,it also help to lubricate your joints and prevents injuries.

2)Stretch to increase your muscles flexibility

3)The first week of your program, Start with light weight. This is to allow you to get the right posture before increasing the weights. If you start with heavy weight but with the wrong posture it will cause injuries to your muscles.

4)tips body posture: go through the complete range of motion, move slowly and with control, breathe, and maintain a neutral spine. Never sacrifice form just to add more weight or repetitions.

5)The intensity of workouts depends on firstly, number of repetition Secondly, overall weight lifted Lastly, the break in between. You can vary the intensity of the workout just to fit you to reach your goals.

6)It is important to listen to your body by sensing the overall feeling of exertion.

7)The minimum amount of strength training recommended by the American College of Sports Medicine is 8 to 12 repetitions of 8 to 10 exercises, at a moderate intensity, two days a week. You will get more overall gains with more days per week, sets and resistance, but the progression is one in which you must listen to your body.

8)Strength training session to last an hour or less.

9)Rest each muscles your train of at least 1 or 2 days

10) Do not follow the phrase "No Pain No Gain" this phrase is not only false but also dangerous. Over train of muscles will lead to muscles become weaken instead of strengthen.

Do follow the tips and start building your strength and tone body now.


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

What can an hour of aerobic exercise a day can help you?

Like other muscles, the heart likes a good workout. You can provide it with one in the form of aerobic exercise. By investing an hour a day in aerobic exercise can help you look younger and healthier.In fact it may be the magic bullet you have been looking for?

There are many health benefits that aerobic exercise can do to you. Below are some of the benefits.

1)Increased maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max)

2)Improvement in cardivascular/cardiorespiratory function (heart and lungs)

3)Increased maximal cardiac output (amount of blood pumped every minute)

4)Increased maximal stroke volume (amount of blood pumped with each beat)

5)Increased blood volume and ability to carry oxygen

6)Reduced workload on the heart (myocardial oxygen consumption) for any given
submaximal exercise intensity

7)Increased blood supply to muscles and ability to use oxygen

8)Lower heart rate and blood pressure at any level of submaximal exercise

9)Increased threshold for lactic acid accumulation

10)Lower resting systolic and diastolic blood pressure in people with high blood

11)Increased HDL Cholesterol (the good cholesterol)

12)Decreased blood triglycerides

13)Reduced body fat and improved weight control

14)Improved glucose tolerance and reduced insulin resistance

During aerobic exercise, large muscles in your arms, legs and hip are continuous moving which eventually cause your body to response quickly.When exercising, more oxygen is demanded by your muscles. The more oxygen you take in the more carbon dioxide and other waste is given out.This makes your heart beat faster to keep up.

How to achieve aerobic fitness?

In order to strengthen your heart,you should so aerobic exercise intensely enough to reach your target heart rate. Your targeted heart rate should be 60-80% of the maximum by taking 220 minus your age(example if you are 40 years old, your maximum heart rate is 180; your target heart rate is 108-144.)

To have a safe and effective aerobic exercise training.A recommended guidelines is shown below.

1) Exercise at least 3 times a week.

2) Exercise hard enough to reach target heart rate (Take your pulse immediately when you stop exercising, count the beats for 15 seconds and multiply it by 4)

Types of aerobic exercise

1) Aerobic dance

2) Cycling

3) In-line skating

4) Fitness Walking

5) Running

6) Swimming

Beginner's Program

If you haven been exercising or may be never. You can try starting off slowly with this beginner's program.

1) 5 minutes of warm up

2) 5 minutes of aerobic training activity

3) 5 minutes of cool down

Repeat this routine 3 times a week. Gradually increase the time for the aerobic training portion.

Start your aerobic workout today and remember to tune in for the next post on strength exercise.


The Essential Of Excercise

Is exercising your everyday routine?

Here a video of a training by a famous strength coach in US

You've probably heard countless times how exercise is "GOOD FOR YOU" but did you know that it can actually help you feel good, too? Getting the right amount of exercise can rev up your energy levels and even help you to feel better emotionally.

Experts always recommend that people should exercise each day for 60min ranging from moderate to vigorous physical activity. A well-balances exercise routine consist of 1)aerobic exercise, 2)strength training, 3)flexibility training.

Benefits Of Exercising

Basically, exercise benefits every parts of you body including your mind.When exercising your body produces a chemical called endorphins that will cause a person to feel happy and peaceful.Exercise can give people feel sense of achievement and pride at having to reach a certain GOAL, example like beating someone in a 400 meter sprint who is and expert in it. Constant exercising will allow a person to sleep much better and even help to eliminate health issue such as mild depression.

People who exercise regularly usually look much more better and rejuvenate than those who don;t. Why is that so?,it is because of exercising will help oneself to burn calories and looking more toned.In fact,scientific proven that if a person eats more calories than he/she burn, the body will automatically stores them away as fat.Therefore, to overcome this problem is to back to square one "EXERCISE".

Exercising not only helps to burn off calories but it also help to reduce a person's risk of developing diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity,insomnia and heart disease.

Finally, for the ladies. Do you know that exercising benefit you the most? Women are more prone to a condition called osteoporosis which is the weakening of bone as you get older. To prevent this condition, running/brisk walking is recommended to strengthen your bones.

If you haven start exercising PLEASE take action now!!! Do tune in for the next posts which i going to talk about the well balanced routine of 1)anaerobic exercise 2)strength exercise 3)flexibility training.
